About Chris

Chris Strange

Chris Strange discovered at an early age that he was completely unsuited to life among normal human beings. After experimenting with several different career paths, he said to hell with it and went back to writing, his first love.

Chris is the author of Don’t Be a Hero and the Miles Franco series of hard-boiled urban fantasy novels, beginning with The Man Who Crossed Worlds. He writes for the daydreamers, the losers, the cynics and the temporarily insane. His stories are full of restless energy and driven by a passion for the unorthodox. He loves writing characters on the fringe of society: the drifters, the knights errant, the down-and-out.

In his spare time, Chris is an unapologetic geek, spending far too long wrapped up in sci-fi books, watching old kaiju movies and playing video games. He lives in the far away land of New Zealand, and is currently working towards a Master’s degree in Forensic Science.

He doesn’t plan on growing up any time soon.

Chris also writes crime and noir fiction as Harry St. John.

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